A downloadable vidya gaem for Windows

Have you ever teleported and wondered "What if these teleporters were unevenly sized?" Well, here's your answer to that totally real question!


  • "Teleporters"
  • "Saving" (the game is 10 minutes long)
  • A "bug"
  • A "Readme"
  • "Bangers"
  • "Comedy"
  • 9 "Puzzles"

Credits supplied in game and in readme (check both!)

Credits I forgot to add:

Teleport sound: https://freesound.org/people/Leszek_Szary/sounds/172206/

Font: https://managore.itch.io/m5x7

sfxr and related things were used

This is actually my first go at puzzle design, but please don't make that affect your rating.


Teleporter Trouble.zip 15 MB

Install instructions

just unzip the file, dont run it inside the zip.

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